Saturday, March 8, 2014

SF Chronicle education stenographer is pretty rank

Looks like the San Francisco Chronicle education "reporter" who completely botched the CCSF accreditation story just posted a blog about the Times Higher Education rankings of the world's universities.

First, the important news:

Cal ranks No. 8 and is the world's top public university. Go Bears!

Meanwhile, after noting she had to look up the term "knowledge transfer" -- she's an education reporter? -- she also notes that Caltech is No. 1, Harvard and Oxford are tied for No. 2, and "#3 is oddly missing."

As my students sometimes say, "Derp."

(It's because there are three schools there. The next school is No. 4, which this year happens to be the junior university down in Palo Alto).

'Course, the point is this: You ask a question, you answer the question. It's not like the answer isn't out there.


Update! Update! (10 a.m., March 8, 2014):
This is the stenographer's "defense" in the comments section of the blog:

"you could be right if rankings are restricted to a certain number of schools. But there's no inherent reason why a school that is slightly less good than two tied for second place can't be labeled 'third.'"

I find this troubling because she is unable to admit a mistake, and also because there are many other commenters who pointed out the same thing. Lack of knowledge transfer, indeed.

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